
I Feel Like It Was a Dream Because I Can Live without Eye Glasses

| Manmin News No. 243 | 2011-07-17

Deacon Jeonghwan Lee (Chuncheon Manmin Church)

I am a researcher working for Environment Design and Plan Evaluation Research Center. I usually spend all day sitting at my computer monitor. So I had very bad eyesight. My wife, Deaconess Youngook Lee, who works as a lecturer in colleges, had also suffered from poor eyesight.

Last April, I heard the good news that Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee would lead a Special Divine Healing Meeting three times in June. My wife and I had our eyesight checked in the hospital to know our vision exactly. My eyesight was so poor that I could not read the biggest letter on the eye chart. My wife also had 0.1/0.1 vision.

We were filled with expectation and hope of healing in the meeting. We were trying our best to live by the Word of God every day. We showed God our longing hearts with prayer and fasting.

Through Dr. Lee's prayer my brother and his wife (Elder Gwangyu Lee, assistant professor in Gangwon University, Deaconess Suhee Lim) also received blessing of conception after suffering from sterility for 13 years. I came to have faith in healing because I have seen the miraculous work.

On June 10 when the first session of the Special Divine Healing Meeting was held, after work I rushed to Manmin Central Church in Seoul from Chuncheon and my wife from Daegu.

During the second half of the service, Dr. Lee was praying for the sick from the altar. At that very moment my wife and I felt our eyes become hot. I came to be assured that I was healed. I took my glasses off.

My wife said, "Wow! Things have become so colorful!" She was overwhelmingly joyful. I could clearly see Dr. Lee on the altar as well. It was so amazing!

I waited in a line to receive hands-on prayer from him. I heard that more than 4,000 sick people submitted applications to receive prayer. The first night, 1,095 people who had bad eyesight, received individual prayer. My wife and I had the numbers, 295 and 296. After the prayer, I put on and took off the glasses over and over again. I could see things very clearly as if I got new glasses.

We went up to the altar to give glory to God with our testimonies, but there were so many people who were healed that we could not give our testimonies. My eyesight became so good that I could drive to Chuncheon without wearing the glasses after the meeting. Hallelujah!

On June 17, we attended the second session of Special Divine Healing Meeting through GCN in Chuncheon Manmin Church. After the meeting, I went to bed. When I woke up, I was so surprised again. I used to see only the outline of the clock, but I came to see the minute hand clearly. I was also healed of my dry eyes. My wife was healed of severe migraines caused by astigmatism. She also now lives without glasses.

We give all thanks and glory to Father God and the Lord who saved us.

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