
Muan Sweet Water Is the Gift of God's Love

| Manmin News No. 249 | 2011-08-28

Rev. Dr. Samson Jacob from Pakistan (Founder and President of Christ's Commission Church International and Associative Missionary of Manmin Central Church)

Above all, I give thanks to God who has given us Muan Sweet Water. Many believers in Pakistan have received healing through Muan Sweet Water, which enables us to do active ministries in Pakistan.

I had suffered from poor eyesight and pain in ankle joints caused by diabetes and high blood pressure since 2000. Just before I came to Korea in the end of July, my ankle was swollen and it was so painful. I could not kneel down when praying and even I could not walk well. But I told my family I would receive healing on my visit to Korea. I was so assured because I saw the sweet rain of grace falling in my room during prayer just before I left.

I arrived in Korea and attended Men's and Women's Manmin Summer Retreat held in Deokyusan Resort, Jeonbuk province from August 1st to 3rd. I had already seen dragonflies appear, get rid of mosquitoes, and sit on the members' hands, heads, and shoulders in Manmin Summer Retreat through video presentation.

This time, I am so blessed that I can participate in the summer retreat firsthand. A dragonfly stayed on my hand for as many as two hours. I also received prayer of a pastor with the handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12) on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed. Then, it came to be easy for me to walk.

On August 4, hundreds of pastors and believers from overseas countries visited Muan Sweet Water Site in Muan, Jeonnam province. I drank the water and applied the water to my eyes. At the moment, amazing works took place. My poor eyesight was recovered to normal! I came to be able to read even very small letters. Moreover, I saw Dr. Lee's face with spiritual eyes opened, when I dipped myself into the Muan Sweet Water Spring, it was a fantastic experience.

General Naaman dipped himself in the Jordan seven times according to the word of the prophet Elisha and then, received healing. Just like him, I was healed of my ten-year-old pain in the ankles after I submerged seven times. I can pray on bended keen now as well as walk very well.

One day, I delivered a message in Karachi and John Nabard areas and gave out Muan Sweet Water to the sick people in attendance. I prayed for them. Then, marvelous works unfolded there: many of them were healed. I want to talk about a testimony given by Sister Stephanie. She used to be mute and deaf. But she came to hear and speak after drinking Muan Sweet Water! In addition to that, there were other testimonies that were overflowing. Such a great work of God encouraged us to do our ministry.

Furthermore, the members of International Evangelical Church, ministered to by Pastor Nawaz Behati from Pakistan, were healed of toothache, hair loss, and so on. Hallelujah!

This was not all. Pakistani believers even watch GCN with the support of Pastor Taesik Gil (Daejeon Manmin Church), so their faith has grown up more and more. My family and I have received God's loving and great grace during Sunday Services and Friday All-night Service of Manmin Central Church through GCN. It is truly a great blessing.

I am very proud to have been able to meet Dr. Lee, who has achieved the world mission with the holiness gospel, and that I can work as an associative missionary of Manmin Central Church. I give all thanks and glory to Father God for leading me to such a way of blessings.

On August 4, 330 pastors and believers from 29 nations visited Muan Sweet Water Site. They saw the spiritual realm with spiritual eyes opened and experienced the works of answers and healing through drinking the water with faith, applying, and submerging into it. Rev. Dr. Samson Jacob gave his testimony kneeling down standing up.

Muan Sweet Water

The miracle of the bitter water of Marah being turned into sweet water is recorded in Exodus 15:25. In March of 2000, the same biblical miracle occurred involving the water at Muan Manmin Church. Through Dr. Jaerock Lee's space-and-time-transcending prayer, the salty seawater was transformed into sweet, fresh water. The water is called 'Muan Sweet Water'.

A sample of Muan sweet water was sent to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for analytical testing. The organization confirmed it as good quality water abounding in minerals. What is more amazing is that those who have drunk and sprayed Muan sweet water by faith have been healed of their diseases and many believers fulfill their heart's desires. Many people are continuing to visit the site on a regular basis.

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