My Father's Parkinson's Disease was Healed and His Stiff Tongue Was Loosened
| Manmin News No. 249 | 2011-08-28
Sister Acucichi Kazmi (Yamagata Manmin Church in Japan)
Sister Acucichi Kazmi (left), her mother whose bended back was straightened, and her father who became able to speak after the stiffness of his tongue was released.
These days, I am very happy because of the love of God. Last June, through Muan Sweet Water, I was healed of aftereffects from a traffic accident. The pallor in my face left and I regained color. The wrinkles that I had had due to the operations, disappeared.
Even the stiff tongue of my father was loosened and he came to be able to speak after he immersed himself in Muan Sweet Water Spring.
My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease five years ago. His body and tongue were becoming stiffened. He once took almost a minute to speak one word. I tried my best to evangelize him and help him accept the Lord. I had a GCN satellite receiver installed at his home last year so that he could gain faith through watching the programs.
We fasted and offered vowed prayers to prepare ourselves for our father to be healed during the Manmin Summer Retreat. By the grace of the Lord, my father and mother took part in Manmin Summer Retreat together and received much grace experiencing wonders God showed them. The next day, they visited the Muan Sweet Water Site where God's powerful works have taken place. My father finally dipped himself in Muan Sweet Water Spring. As a result, he was able to clearly articulate words that he wanted to say.
My mother's back had been slightly bent and a muscle in her back had thickened. But after submerging in Muan Sweet Water, the muscle problem had vanished and her back was straightened.
Sister Acucichi Kazmi (left), her mother whose bended back was straightened, and her father who became able to speak after the stiffness of his tongue was released.
These days, I am very happy because of the love of God. Last June, through Muan Sweet Water, I was healed of aftereffects from a traffic accident. The pallor in my face left and I regained color. The wrinkles that I had had due to the operations, disappeared.
Even the stiff tongue of my father was loosened and he came to be able to speak after he immersed himself in Muan Sweet Water Spring.
My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease five years ago. His body and tongue were becoming stiffened. He once took almost a minute to speak one word. I tried my best to evangelize him and help him accept the Lord. I had a GCN satellite receiver installed at his home last year so that he could gain faith through watching the programs.
We fasted and offered vowed prayers to prepare ourselves for our father to be healed during the Manmin Summer Retreat. By the grace of the Lord, my father and mother took part in Manmin Summer Retreat together and received much grace experiencing wonders God showed them. The next day, they visited the Muan Sweet Water Site where God's powerful works have taken place. My father finally dipped himself in Muan Sweet Water Spring. As a result, he was able to clearly articulate words that he wanted to say.
My mother's back had been slightly bent and a muscle in her back had thickened. But after submerging in Muan Sweet Water, the muscle problem had vanished and her back was straightened.