
I Give Thanks to God Who Healed My Heart and My Son of Impetigo

| Manmin News No. 291 | 2012-06-24

Deaconess Yumi Lee (2-10 Parish)

When I was young, my parents got divorced due to frequent discord and business failure. So hatred and complaints against my parents from my childhood have left deep scars in my heart. As a result of the influence, my marital life was not very smooth.

The deep scars I had seemed to be brought back up again when I saw my husband who would no longer embrace me warmly. I resented him when I was bone tired and weary from raising our child, and I begrudged and hated him.

My three-year-old son came down with impetigo

In the late March, 2012, red eruptions began to appear on the face of my three-year-old son named Eu-in after an outing. The next day blisters appeared on his brow and chin. After he felt the itchiness and scratched them, the eruptions were spread to eyebrows, nose, and mouth. I didn't take it to be serious because he had been previously healed of cold and enteritis by Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer.

So my husband and I received his prayer for the sick recorded from the telephonic automated response service of the church. Nevertheless, he wasn't getting any better. At the moment, we realized we had to repent before God. This is because children's diseases usually are caused by their parents.

On April 6, 2012, we went to the Pediatrics & Adolescent hospital to figure out the precise name of his disease. The test result showed that he had impetigo. The doctors recommended that we have our son admitted to the hospital and get medical treatment because they were concerned about impetigo spreading to his whole body. That night we went to the Friday All-night Service and deeply realized the importance of a peaceful family while listening to the message.

Afterwards, I repented thoroughly that I had raised my son with lack of love, hurt my husband's feelings, and argued with him frequently over trivial matters. My husband also told me that he repented that he hadn't attended to my needs well and had not kept peace in the family.

After we repented, the work of divine healing started

For 3 days from that time, the God of love gave grace to my husband and me for three days. Then, we received Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick again on the automated response service. At that time, impetigo was spread to the back of my son's hand and groin. But after the prayer, impetigo started to be healed. To my surprise, he was completely cleansed within a week.

In fact, three weeks before my son's impetigo, on March 9, we had gone to Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee and received his prayer giving offerings for his ministry. At that time, he said to us that we had not yet stood on the rock of faith. He went on to say, "You must have peace in the family. You must raise your child spiritually." That is, God had already shown us the way to solve our problem through him, but we didn't obey at that time. How foolish we had been!

In addition to the healing of my son, the God of love healed the scars in my heart that I had had since childhood. The message entitled "Hidden Darkness" delivered by Pastor Soojin Lee during the Sunday Morning Service on June 3, 2012 gave me great insight and self-realization.

During the night of that day, Senior Pastor Lee appeared in my dream. I dreamed of three things in a row at that night. In the first scene, he arranged and piled up black colored clothes and told me to throw them away with my old habits. In the second scene, he held my hands fast and comforted me saying he knew everything that had hurt my heart. My hands, arms, and heart got warm. In the third scene, he showed me people who gave thanks to God who were in worse situations than me and told me to lead a life filled with thanksgiving.

Since the dream, the influence of my past scars surprisingly hasn't resurfaced. I give all thanks and glory to God the Trinity who healed my son of impetigo and the scars of my heart that I couldn't deal with in my strength. I give thanks for my family's happiness.

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