"I've learned how to lead a healthy life in the Lord"
| Manmin News No. 380 | 2014-03-30

Sister Suri Buntong (Chiang Rai Manmin Church, Thailand)
I lost my parents when I was very young and grew up under difficult conditions which caused me not to reveal my feelings but to just suppress them. I was also suffering from insomnia because of intense nervousness. Because of it I could only sleep when I took sleeping pills, and when it was the worst, fear of death swept over me. So, I visited many churches and wanted to have peace, but I couldn't rest in true peace anywhere.
In the early 2012, I moved to Chiang Rai. And I was guided to Chiang Rai Manmin Church (Pastor Jaewon Lee) by Missonary Sunok Lee. I read Manmin News in Thai language, which touched my heart. I finally attended the church from March, 2013. Chiang Rai Manmin Church members attend the worship services of Manmin Central Church in Seoul via GCN.
After listening to Dr. Jaerock Lee's preaching, I repented that I had not maintained peace with neighbors and hurt their feeling. In particular, I came to keep the whole Sabbath holy by offering up Sunday Morning Service and Sunday Evening Service after learning about the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy.
Afterwards, the symptoms of insomnia totally disappeared. How happy I am to have sound sleep! In 2014, the rear part of my neck was swollen and I had pain. I wanted to receive healing through the power of God. During Sunday Evening Service on February 2, via GCN I received Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick after the message. Then my pain was gone and the swelling subsided. Hallelujah!
In the past when I had some trouble in my body, I rushed to hospital. Now I no longer need medicine and I can live a healthy life without it, which is amazing to me. It is also like a dream to lead my believing life with a more exact knowledge of the will of God. God changed my dark and sensitive personality into an active and bright one. He is the greatest Physician! I am preaching about the love of God and His power to my neighbors. I give all thanks and glory to God.