"Through Space-and-time-transcending Prayer, I Came Back to Life"
| Manmin News No. 545 | 2017-06-11
Sister Mary Muwenny, age 42, Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church, Kenya
From the end of February 2017, I suffered from a terrible stomachache and kept vomiting for a month. I could not eat at all. From April, I coughed a lot and felt dizzy. I even had severe back pain so I could not even sit up.
On May 11, I lost consciousness while suffering from severe gastro-spasms. I eventually went into coma due to cerebromeningitis, gastric ulcer, brain damage, hemiplegia, pneumonia, and esophagitis. I was rushed to the hospital and my family told Pastor Samuel Han about my situation. He received Senior Pastor's prayer for the sick on behalf of me on Sunday, May 14.
During Sunday Morning Service on GCN, he had my photo in his hand and received the prayer transcending space and time. At the same time, my daughters in the hospital received Senior Pastor's prayer recorded in their cell phones and let me hear the prayer.
Then, an unimaginable miracle happened. After the prayer, I came around and recognized people. The prayer was so powerful that I recovered consciousness on the threshold of death and came to life. Now I can eat and I am recovering quickly.
I give all thanks and glory to God who saved me from death and allowed a second chance for me. I also give thanks to Senior Pastor who prayed for me.