
World Mission

| Manmin News No. 146 | 2009-06-07

[The Philippines] Melody Healed of Herpes Zoster

Missionary Shine J. Lee (Manila Manmin Church)

I saw Melody for the first time while visiting Isabella in the Philippines in the mid October last year. Melody, who was on an errand visiting her relatives, broke out in blisters all over her neck, shoulder and her chest. She said that blisters started to spread from her neck after taking a shower two days before.
Though she took medication prescribed at the hospital, she got even worse and couldn't even go to school.
I was so sorry thinking about her pain. After I prayed for her and sprayed Muan Sweet Water on the blistered areas, she said that the pain disappeared. Again, I visited her house, sprayed Muan Sweet Water and prayed with handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed.
The blisters had immediately stopped spreading and couple of days later the blisters festered, I told Melody and her mother never to touch the skin to let it disappear naturally. After a while, crusts began to form over her skin and later as the crusts fell off, new fresh clean skin appeared.
Melody gives thanks to God who healed her and she enjoys attending worship services. Also her family is grateful for her healing. The news of her healing was spread to neighbors who witnessed, so more and more people are coming to receive the prayer. Through this experience of God's power, I myself could get more strength and confidence in my ministry.

a. Blister spread over the skin.
b. Festering of the blisters
c. Crusts formed over the skin
d. The healing Melody received

[Peru] Insomnia and Back Pain Had Completely Gone.

Maria Nela Sarasar Natural (Peru Manmin Church)

I am working as a nurse at the national hospital. Since my father passed away 14 years ago, I couldn't sleep as a result of the depression. Since then, I suffered from nightmares and depended on sleeping pills.
What is worse, beginning about ten years ago, I suffered from pain with spondylo-arthritis. It was too painful to sit for a while or to lie in bed. The hospital had no special treatment other than just taking pain killers and Vitamins. With the acute pain I even thought, "What good is it for me to live?"
In June, 2008, I was led by my sister and became a member of Peru Manmin Church. By the words of life preached by Dr. Jaerock Lee, darkness went away and I came to have hope for life. Peace and joy filled my heart and I was proud of being a Manmin member.
One day in the mid July last year, Pastor Lazarus Lee came to visit me. When he prayed laying his hands on my back with the handkerchief of power, the pain disappeared.
The following day I felt something strange on the way to the bathroom. Previously, I had a very hard time waking up and getting out of bed, but I was surprisingly walking without difficulty.
In addition, last February I was healed of insomnia that I had suffered from for 14 years. One day while praying at the Daniel prayer meeting, I thought how faithless it was to keep taking sleeping pills. I repented to the Lord and sincerely prayed that I might sleep well without taking pills. On that very night I had this big experience that I could fall into sound sleep and no longer suffered from nightmares.
Everything became normal and I am enjoying a happy and energetic life.

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