9La conferenza dei medici cristiani indaga sui benefici della fede(Italian)
from PR Newswire / SYS-CON MEDIA
Jun 10, 2010
8Christian medical conference seeks best in faith
from The Korea Times
Jun 03, 2010
7Searching for miracles - in the eternal city of Rome
from Christian Telegraph
May 30, 2010
6A Pathologist Puts Divine Healing Under the Microscope
from MDC House of Publications
May 27, 2010
5A Pathologist Puts Divine Healing Under the Microscope
from Christian News Today
May 27, 2010
4Christian Physicians Prescribe SPIRITUAL HEALING at 7th Annual SPIRITUALITY & MEDICINE Conference
from Breaking Christian News
May 27, 2010
3Searching for miracles - in the eternal city of Rome
from Assist News Service
May 21, 2010
2Raising the Dead: A Doctor Encounters the Supernatural
from Assist News Service
May 21, 2010
1World famous cardiologist who prayed for a dead patient and saw him come back to life, to speak at unique SPIRIUALITY & MEDICINE Conference in Rome
from Assist News Service
Mar 15, 2010